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Saturday, August 19, 2006

cranium and poker

yup, yesterday i went to the yr 12 crossway's social-ish thing. i was really reluctant to go at first. for many reasons that is. but i thought, if in the long run i'm gonna be in this church, i'd better get to know ppl.

so we went. we were already half an hour late but all the people there were guys. -_-!! i mean seriously, like none of the gals appeared except for melanie who came later at about 9pm. we played cranium. 4 groups of four. it was ok ler. not spectacular but i guess the only thing i realised is that australians have like limited card games. besides stuff like poker and other gambling related games, they know nothing. i did learn how to play poker and pass the ace, but besides that, it was kinda boring, no offense. couldn't pig out cos i had just eaten dinner and was extremely tired due to exercise *glares at ashley*.

but the whole thing reminded me of my church friends in malaysia. when we had all these fun activities under the name of fellowship, it was always fun. we would play heart attack in huge groups. everyone would be shouting and screaming. and then the game called murderer or something like that. bluff would be included. there would definitely be chor tai ti. i miss those days. even church camps. besides, the house that we had the social in had so many CDs and they reminded me of alvin's fantastic collection of pirated DVDs.

so yea, i hope i do get to know people in crossway and become part of that church(that is if it is God's will for me to stay there). there was one funny part about yesterday tho. cos there was this pair of twins, ben and matt (not that alike if you ask me). shan asked them how far are they apart, and they replied 17 mins. then when it came to my sister and i, shan introduced that we are sisters.

paul/nixon: so who's older and how far apart are you?
me: *raising my hand* me. we're two years apart.
shan: *laughing* that must have been a long birth. their mother must have suffered a lot.

we all laughed. for those who don't know, my sister and i look alike to other people. our friends do tend to get us mixed up. heck, even my parents do call us the wrong names and they've been doing that our whole lives. so, naturally, people would have thought that we are twins altho we are SO not. i used to have some of my friends telling me that they would think that i had just passed them. when they take a really close look and after a while, they realised it was not me. -_-! and to think i call them my friends.

anyway, tomorrow's melbourne uni's open day. after that, i think i'm gonna start my VTAC application on my preferences. till now, i only have 5 and i need a minimum of 8. haihs, all these crap. >P bleh. need to sleep now. nites all and god bless.

note: to all my help friends, i heard that your results were not that good. am really sorry to hear that. hope you'll survive this. and to everyone else, do take time to admire my new chatbox and leave a msg!! XD

Posted by grace :P at 10:50 pm

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